Music and Its Industry: Part One
Our original series, "Music and Its Industry" was founded in 2007. The purpose of this series is to expose the members in CYO to the different potential professions they can have in the industry, and to allow the musicians and our audience to see how effective and necessary music is in media.
Dr. Daniel Goldmark is a professor of music at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland specializing in American Popular Music, Film and Cartoon Music. He is our academic support, MC and all around super fun collaborator with this project. He speaks to the audience at each concert, and is the author and or editor of books including Happy Harmonies: Music and the Hollywood Animated Cartoon; The Cartoon Music Book (A Cappella, 2001), Beyond the Soundtrack: Representing Music in Cinema (California, 2007), and Funny Pictures: Animation and Comedy in Studio-Era Hollywood (California, 2011). His monograph, Tunes for ‘Toons: Music and the Hollywood Cartoon, was published in 2005.
In addition to the rehearsal process and concerts, Contemporary Youth Orchestra works with Young Audiences in this series. We invited them to join us so that workshops could be held in the Cleveland and Lorain Public Schools based on each installment. We want to educate as many children as possible through language and other applied learning foundations through the arts.
Check out Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio's Facebook Page (click here).