Music and Its Industry: Part Seven
Now. This years installment. My friend, Jennifer (who is also our Graphic Designer) and her boyfriend (now husband) Steve gave me an idea. Circus Music. TA-DA! OOOOOOOOOOO. SO exciting! The circus is one of the few traveling performance genres that still uses a LIVE orchestra. Money is tight these days, and for the first time in...I think ever...I could not do what I wanted to do artistically with this genre.
Cartunestra Rehearsal
We had a family circus and composer of circus music ready to go. In order for us to do this the way I know we have to, I decided to put this one on hold for two seasons so that we, along with other non-profits, can recover and get serious funding for this show. No biggie - just more time to plan!
So - what to do.... Sounds like a great time for the second installment of Tunes for 'Toons, Two! Daniel and I are talking about a different approach with which cartoons we will do. I don't want the show to be the same (obviously) and I believe that cartoons have been used for many different cultural outlets. Political, race issues, education... That's the road I am considering right now.
So - save the date! March 10, 2012 7pm
Cleveland State University Waetjen Auditorium
More to come, of course. From the podium of the Contemporary Youth Orchestra, the future is industrious!